Monday 09/23/2024
Welcome to Infinite Campus, the new Student Information System (SIS). In addition to teacher and administrative access, parents and students will also have access through their respective Campus portals.
Students can use their UID information to log into Campus Student. Parents can self-register using the link provided here. Please note that parents must have either an email address or cell phone number on file and have parent portal access enabled. If any updates are needed, please contact your child's data manager to update their records. Elementary schools should call (252) 492-2127 and ask your child's school data manager. Secondary schools should call your child's school and ask for the data manager. Central Office data managers can reset all Campus Parent passwords if needed.
Please feel free to use the instructions provided below to guide you through the Campus Parent and Campus Student modules.
Self Registration of Parent Portal
Logging into the App or Website
General Campus Parent & Campus Student Usage
Accessing Documents within Campus Parent/Campus Student (Report cards & Schedules)
Set Up Parent/Student Notifications (Grades & Attendance Updates)
Navigating the More Options (Demographics, contact information and parent/guardians)
Additionally, we have a new online registration process for newly enrolled students. Yearly student updates (address information and contact information) will also be processed through the Campus Parent portal. Thank you for your patience as we work toward fully implementing the Infinite Campus product.